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Saturday, July 17, 2021



Sometimes things linger far after they should've ended.  We're in Summer, but it's acting like a hot, humid, dreary Spring.  We've had so few actual bright, summery days.   It's like Spring never really let go.

My roomie reads a lot of fantasy works.  Sometimes they're short & to the point, others ramble.  But, sometimes, there are those well developed pieces that are actual stories.  There's a beginning, middle & end.  There's plot & character development.  But most of all, the author thought enough of their work to give it a proper conclusion.  Stories need endings or else they're just aimless musings.  That cheapens them a bit.

Comics can be do this as well. Some of the best comics I've read have been short-run titles.    There  are points when even major titles feel like zombie  versions of themselves just trudging on because of habit.  Endings can make works stronger.

Sometimes we have endings we didn't ask for or want.  Sometimes those are very serious, others are angering, or just really annoying.  Over the past  couple of years,  they've cancelled TV shows I actually liked.  It pissed me off & now I'm having a hard time  getting into much of anything TV wise.

This month will mark the end of my insurance with my current carrier.  They're ending their business.  I had no choice in the matter.  I've found other coverage, but it wasn't my choice.  AT&T basically forced new phones on us.  We were planning on new phones, but  on our timeline, not theirs.  Both of these endings were manageable, but unwanted.

Endings must happen, even if things just stop.  But things deserve a proper goodbye.  That's it for now, take care.


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