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Saturday, July 10, 2021

Full Week...


It's a bit dreary.  It's supposed to rain later in the day.  Which means it won't rain until tonight & the today will be a humid mess.   Oh well, nothing I  can do about that. 

The 1st  full week of July is ending.  We got through it.  But some of us are showing our asses.  To all the asshat Okies out there that refuse to get vaccinated, just shoot yourself already.  Stop dragging everyone else down with you.  A few weeks ago we were around 900 cases in the state, now we're  in the 2K range.  You can always count on conservative Oklahomans to be idiots.  

Rants over.  We handled our stuff for the week.  I'll try to handle phone stuff this week.  There are more hummers, dragons & bunnies.  Hopefully, this COVID stuff will get back on track soon.  Take care.


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