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Friday, September 18, 2020

Winding Down...


There are only 4 days before the equinox, Summer is over.  To be honest, Summer sucked.  Most of 2020 has sucked.  There should be a way to get a refund on such a sucktastic year, at least a prorated bill. There are still 3 more months.  Maybe something will pull out of this mess, I'm not holding my breath. 

To all the people out there refusing to cooperate & make sure this COVID things comes to an end, I despise the lot of you.  To all the raging politicos on both sides, find a cliff and jump.  To everyone else  making life more difficult for others, I hope many embarrassingly bad things come your way.   In other words, to all those making 2020 more of a crapfest than it already is, F' OFF!

Enough ranting.  Hope you enjoy the remainder of Summer, take care.


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