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Sunday, September 6, 2020



Occasionally, there's a report of HIV cases resistant to current treatments.  This article states,

An investigation of the University Hospital of Toulouse, France, discovered that two men are carriers of a mutation of HIV resistant to all antiviral known so far and also to pre-exposure prophylaxis, a combination of drugs called PrEP. 

That means no known med can treat or prevent this strain.   That leaves condoms & abstinence, that's worked so well in the past.   At this point, they know of 2 cases.  That doesn't mean there aren't more.  These men didn't know each other, so there must a connection out there, another carrier or more.

Resistance is a developed mutation.  It usually happens when HIV has been exposed to meds by someone not taking them regularly.   This allows the virus to adapt.  

The piece argues even though this strain is resistant to meds, including PrEP, there is no need to worry.  They claim the low numbers are not a cause for concern.  Oh really?  They don't know how many actual cases there are.  The place they found these cases is a border town.  This strain could be far more wide spread then currently thought. 

Take care, use a condom.


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