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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Stigma & Social Cutting...


It seems reasonable to think all behavior had a purpose at some point.  These actions could've been all early people & societies could've have mustered.  Look at stigmatizing illnesses.   These people didn't have medicine or sanitation. They didn't understand how illnesses worked.

Perhaps with leprosy, TB or others; stigmatizing was all they knew to do.  Think of it as a form of social surgery.  Lets cut out the bad part & hope to save the rest.   Without the religious zealotry & ideological loathing, isn't that just an extreme quarantining?

In a time of limited resources, the problem was religion, fear & ignorance.  They didn't know what illnesses were.  Some thought sickness to be a curse or punishment.  

Unfortunately only part of society ever grew out of their superstitions.  Other's held on to hate & fear.  Some people used those emotions to wage war on those found different, lacking or ill.   Stigma is nothing new, it moved from being a poor method of social protection to a weapon.  

Look at the Crucible.  Take the battle against HIV.  Take Ebola in Africa.  Now look at COVID-19, the illness Trump calls that Chinese virus.  Stigmatizing an illness is weaponizing ignorance, fear & hatred. It's been used against the ill, the different & now it's divided a nation.

Stima may be the greatest WMD ever.


PS - The man I wrote about yesterday, the Berlin Patient has passed.  He died of cancer. Good journeys to you sir.  May your next life be full of happiness, joy & prosperity.  May people know you.

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