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Thursday, September 24, 2020



I hate punctuation in my life.  My life has been overly punctuated with bad to horrible events..  Every decent point in my life is generally followed by some level of crap-fest.  I'm always waiting for the slap in the dark or the other shoe to drop. I can get the worse buyer's remorse.  The better the moment, the bigger the crash.  

As a kid, I always knew whenever something shifted from tolerable to OK or really good, a storm of sh*tty, hellfire was about to pour down my life.  It never failed & still doesn't.  

Last December, I went into the hospital for pneumonia or corona, who knows?   I got out early & spent weeks trying to recover.  Only then to have the crapfest of 2020 threaten my health & well being.  

Sometimes, it starts at the beginning like an exclamation.  That's usually when something breaks or a crisis arises.  I panic & usually get angry.  Once that passes, I can focus & try to muddle through.  No matter what end the punctuation comes on, it sucks for me.

Recently researchers have developed regimens based on 2 instead of 3 meds.  That should mean fewer interactions & issues.  It could also lower the cost.  However, some studies have shown these 2 prong meds to more highly associated with inflammation.  Which, in itself, can be as bad or worse than HIV.   Moments like that must be ellipsis.

So, I'm go to try & live my life like a run on sentence.  Hell, I'm going for a full on Faulkner sentence. No punctuation needed here, thank you.


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