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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

2 Pieces...


I found 2 articles this morning.  I'm not going to discuss them much, they both deserve to be read.  They're important topics & maybe if more people visit these sites, they'll put out more.

The 1st article covers the rise in resistance to HIV meds in Germany.   They're seeing a significant uptick in the numbers of HIV samples that are resistant to current meds.   These situations used to be common  in countries where HIV meds were difficult to regularly obtain.  Now this is spreading.  It could be a natural development or due to travel.

The next piece talks about blood donation by men who engage in homosexual sex.  The FDA has been altering it's stance on the matter for a while.  It do so further this year.  Give this a read.

That's it for articles.  I woke to another grey morning.  At least most the rain seems to have passed.  We'll handle trash & some errands later.  Other than that, not much going on here.

Take care.


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