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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Self Love...

Found an article about Rae Lewis Thornton.  She's an HIV activist diagnosed with AIDS in the early 90's.  Before that,  she worked with various political efforts as she put herself through school.   After finding her status, she went public.  She was on the cover of Essence magazine revealing her condition.  She's been involved with HIV activism ever since.

She asks a simple, but hard question, "Are you sleeping with someone you love or someone you want to love you?"   This article is aimed at young women.  Still, I think it applies to everyone, definitely those who come from a rough background.   It's about learning to love yourself.

It's not cliche & it's a good read.   The 1st line from the new song in Cats (2019), is, "All that I wanted was to be wanted."  Beautiful Ghosts is about  fear & desperation.  It may sound pretty but the thought is terrifying.  To be that desperate makes you very vulnerable.  Many would take advantage.

This piece is about accepting yourself.  Seeing yourself as worth loving & protecting.  That it's up to you to learn to keep yourself as safe as possible from things like HIV & horrible people.

Take care.


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