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Saturday, March 14, 2020

Rain, Gloom & TP....

Alright, I know we can't do anything about the weather, so I'm stuck with the grey skies & rain.  But, how about calming the hell down over toilet paper.  Coronavirus doesn't cause any additional need for toilet paper.   So why are so many people acting like rampaging barbarians when it comes to TP?  

My locals stores were out.  We were headed over to Fort Smith anyway, so we hit a Walmart there.  They were out as well. A stocker told me toilet paper was on the next pallet she had lined up to stock.  I had to wait about 20 minutes, but I bought toilet paper.  hen I had walked to the front of the store, I looked back.  When I did, everything had been grabbed.  Not a single roll made it to the shelf.  The stocker just turned around & went to the back.  

Again, this virus doesn't demand extra TP.  But there's everyone else, who still needs to buy toilet paper for everyday use.   Stop letting this virus turn you into idiots.  Fear & idiocy is how panic starts & bad things follow.


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