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Monday, March 9, 2020

2 Things...

This article talks about being diagnosed HIV+ after 50.  In this Canadian piece, they note over 20% of  new HIV cases in 2017 were from people 50+ who engaged in heterosexual relations. Over 70% were diagnosed while at the hospital.  70% also faced AIDS at diagnosis.  The good news was, older patients are more likely to adhere to regimens.

According to this piece,  Mildmay, London's only HIV specialty hospital, may be facing closure.  Made famous for it's part in the fight against AIDS.  Princess Diana also visited.  Due to budget issues, it may be closed.  Maybe if Britain had focused it's health monies on actual issues instead of PrEP, this hospital's closure wouldn't be likely.  

Sorry, nothing good this morning.  BTW, the day after the time change also sucks.  Especially when you wake to grey, rainy skies.  Take care.


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