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Friday, March 27, 2020

3 Of Interest....

When it rains, it pours is true with articles.  I found 3  today.  I won't go too deep into them, they deserve a read.   Support these articles.

The 1st piece concerns HIV & TB.  It details how HIV+ people are more at risk from TB.  This is article was focused on areas with lower resources, but these conditions could always spread.

2nd, this article is about a man & the Ohio Court.  He argues being imprisoned & HIV+ during the COVID outbreak, could constitute a death sentence.  That it was cruel & unusual.  If the virus gets in the prison, it will spread & kill many.  

Finally, this piece is about a HIV+ man.  After years of safe sex, he slipped & contracted HIV.   He now approaches people as if they're all HIV+.  To me, that's the only safe way.   Now, he's reacting to COVID-19 the same way.   Again, reasonable.

Give these a read.  Take care.


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