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Tuesday, March 17, 2020


It's still raining & dreary as hell.  Let's get to it, shall we?  A couple of days ago I posted over how HIV+ people with good numbers had no additional risk from COVID-19.  Then some idiot from the CDC, (probably someone looking to make a name) provided contradictory information.   

This piece is among the many to refute that statement.   Much of the CDC statement seemed not just aimed at HIV+ people, but also those in the Gay community.  Coronavirus is serious & procuations should be taken.  But, just because you're Gay or happened to be HIV+ doesn't make you more susceptible to COVID-19.  

Be sensible.  Wash your hands.  Keep aware of your environment.  Also, remember Trump slashed CDC staff.  Who know's what's actually left  over there, maybe some pro-trump baboons.  Until we have another administration, it's unlikely we can trust much coming from trumpanized government agencies.  Grain of salt time here folks.


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