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Sunday, March 15, 2020


I'm not saying COVID-19 isn't dangerous.  Here are some relevant charts.  I'm saying, while the virus is a hazard, it's not as dangerous as the hype.  

Some are comparing this to AIDS in the 80s.  It's not the same. Having AIDS then was nearly always a death sentence.  It was horrifying, humiliating & isolating.   Doubt me, look at pictures of those who have died from coronavirus & then at those that died from AIDS during the 80s.  This is just an instance where a deadly virus is spreading  & has no target audience.  Anyone can catch it.  It's causing outrage, stigma, fear, & dangerous actions.

It is illegal to yell fire in a theatre.  Even if there is a fire, if people panic, it will be worse.  More people die of panic reactions in dangerous situations than from the actual danger.  They get trampled, attacked, accused, abandoned, etc... 

Yes, this is a serious situation, but panic won't help.  Try to stay calm & reasonable.  With all likelihood this virus will pass & we'll move on.  Unfortunately, we'll likely return to our status quo & learn nothing.

So be calm & take care.


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