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Monday, May 30, 2016

Preying On Prayer...

I read an article today about a "prophet" in Africa, claiming he can cure all illnesses, including HIV, via his television broadcasts.   Just pure & utter BS!  I'm not saying an active spiritual life can't help people through illness, but no amount of prayer is going to cure HIV.  If that was the case, the virus would've been dealt with a long time ago.

These alleged faith healers are scam artists & egomaniacs who all share a few things.  They all  love the attention & power their shows get them.  Then again, there's always the money, we can't forget the cash.   It's such a great motivator to prey on the weak, vulnerable & ill.  

There are so many people out there selling false hope.  It just leads to so much more misery & puts a lot of people's health in more danger.  These charlatans should be shot.  Let their prayers heal that.


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