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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Cool Nights...

The weather is staying really weird,  I read about some place up north getting snow out of this strange weather front.  Seriously, it's May & snow shouldn't be falling mid-May anywhere in the U.S.  

Our temps dipped down into the high 40's F last night & we're expected to have overnights in the 50's for at least the next few days.  I appreciate the coolness, but it's odd.  I really hope Summer doesn't just hop up around the corner & send the temps soaring in a week.

This cooler, damp weather is encouraging the pants to grow  & the pollen to spread.   Yuck.  I want dead grass this Summer.  The grass hasn't filled off in years & it's filled with seed & bugs.

At least I'm sleeping well with this weather.


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