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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Another Tuesday In May...

The storms weren't as bad as the forecast had warned.  That's a good thing.  Today is supposed to get warm, upper 80's.   There are a lot thunderstorms in the upcoming forecasts.  That's normal for Spring though.  We still about 5" of rain to meet our normal monthly rain average.  

I'm still not seeing much on article front.  It's just the same old, same old.   Maybe, it's a dry spell. 

I've been doing a little yard ward.  Some of the shrubs have gotten mildew.  Not surprising, with how wet & gloomy it's been this Spring.   If I can't get it fixed, we may lose some bushes.   Part of me hates that.  Another thinks, it'd be less to deal with in the yard. 

The back stoop is in it's death throws.  My roomie's uncle rigged a fix for it a while back & it was never meant to be permanent.  I'm surprised it lasted this long, even with the fix I did to it.  The next step is pavers.  I hope they're not too unwieldy. 

I'll be in Tulsa on the 23rd for my specialist appointment.  I need to get the van in for a oil change before then.  Hopefully, everything will go well.


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