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Saturday, May 7, 2016

More Of It...

I scanned the articles today & didn't find anything new.  Just a lot of repeats, like they're trying to add emphasis.   Atlanta's HIV rates are comparable to 3rd world African countries.  Young people are the biggest HIV transmitters.  Abstinence policies don't help fight HIV.  Transmission numbers are still not where the US government would've like them to have been by now.

We've know most of these things for years. So, why are they still news worthy?  Because they're problematic reminders of how far we still have to go in dealing with HIV.  

Most of these issues were influenced or controlled by governmental &/or religious interests.  2 things that should've never gotten in bed together.   The result is that HIV is still spreading & so are the waves of hate, discrimination & ignorance.  Thanks, ever so.

That's all for now.


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