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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Day After Tired...

We made it back & the trip went alright, but it was very tiring.  It would've been better if not for a couple of things.  1st, it decided to turn into a nasty, dismal, rainy day on the way up.  It sputtered  & poured most the way there. 

2nd, the restaurant we went to didn't fare well over the years.  It's a place we used to go, but it had changed & not for the better.  The food wasn't as good, the service was bad & the prices had hiked incredibly.   There won't be any going back there.

My appointment went well.  My labs were good.  I got  the doctor I used to see via telemedicine.  He told me, they're thinking about bringing telemedicine back.  I really hope so. It'd make my life so much easier.

He started talking to me about my dinosaur regimen again.  He's leaving my meds alone for now, they're working.  He's worried they may phase out some of my meds.  I'm on some of the oldest drugs there are, so it's a possibility.  It's happened before to the Fortovase I was on.  When companies no longer make enough $ off of a drug they cancel it.  

The doctor said I"ll need a genetic test to tell which meds I might be more apt to react badly to.  That has to be handled.  Then eh want's me to consider a 1 a day pill.  The thought of leaving my current meds is scary, they've worked for me. What if this doesn't?   But, the idea of only 1 pill  is very nice.  I guess, we'll see.

That's it for now.  I'm still worn out from yesterday.  


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