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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Good Bye May...

Just going to say good bye to May 2016.   You we're a weird month, but way dryer than last year.  We didn't meet our rain totals, unlike last year when we got 2'.  We got through quite a bit last month with the house & appointments.  Seems like June is going to start heating things up as Spring wraps up for the year.   Until next year, May.


Monday, May 30, 2016

Preying On Prayer...

I read an article today about a "prophet" in Africa, claiming he can cure all illnesses, including HIV, via his television broadcasts.   Just pure & utter BS!  I'm not saying an active spiritual life can't help people through illness, but no amount of prayer is going to cure HIV.  If that was the case, the virus would've been dealt with a long time ago.

These alleged faith healers are scam artists & egomaniacs who all share a few things.  They all  love the attention & power their shows get them.  Then again, there's always the money, we can't forget the cash.   It's such a great motivator to prey on the weak, vulnerable & ill.  

There are so many people out there selling false hope.  It just leads to so much more misery & puts a lot of people's health in more danger.  These charlatans should be shot.  Let their prayers heal that.


Sunday, May 29, 2016

Gilead Again...

This article details how Gilead allowed a toxic version of an HIV medication to stay on the market for over a decade just to prolong sales & protect patents.  This drug Tenofovir or better know as half of Truvada.   The company researched the toxicity of the medication & an acceptable replacement in 2004.  Partway through the research,, the company shut the project down.   In 2010 they restarted it & came up with the recently announced medication, Genvoya, or Truvada 2.0.

The reason for this was simple, profits.   The original, overly toxic medicine was already approved & the patent on that would expire in 2018.   Thus allowing generics to made.   Gilead had already finished enough research a decade ago to know the new med was viable.  All they had to was set back & wait.   Then before the original med's patent expired, they'd introduce the new drug.  Who'd want to make a generic version of a toxic medication?

It isn't like this is the 1st pharmaceutical company to pull this exact stunt.  It won't be the last time they put their profits above the health of the people on them or needing them.  These monsters justify anything & everything for profits.  They're evil.

Read the article.


Saturday, May 28, 2016

Holiday Weekend...

It's Memorial Day Weekend, not that we'll do much about it.  Maybe we'll have hot dogs or something else festivy.   We just aren't that big into most holidays.  Unless, like I've said before, there's candy associated with it or the day after.

This is the last Saturday of May 2016.  I have an appointment for a lab draw in June.  It'll determine how my thyroid med is doing.  My roomie has an appointment in a week. Luckily, I'm not driving.  At least that's the plan.

It's pleasant so far today.  I hope it holds.  We could use a nice, quiet day.  


Friday, May 27, 2016

Some Honesty....

This article makes something abundantly clear.  Gilead's only real motivation in the fight against HIV is profits.   I know it's a company that needs to make $.  Still, the only thing these pharmaceutical corps ever understand is cash.  All the suffering in world won't move them until there's money to be made.  

I know the article is a brief, but it say s all it needs to.  Gilead is planning on how increased HIV sales will fill their coffers.  Don't forget this is the company pushing Truvada & PrEP.  How convenient.

As long as medicine is based on profits, suffering will always continue.


Thursday, May 26, 2016

Another Dismal Day...

Apparently May has decided to come to an damp & gloomy end this year.  Not much rain, just a lot nasty humid clouds.  Last year in May we got about 2 feet or rain.  This year we won't even make the monthly average of 6".  We'll maybe get 3".    

The overcast skies are horrible for me.  I seriously hate them.  A day or so is tolerable.  after that they're damned depressing.   

These blasted skies & the moisture are allowing for an abundance of grass to grow.  This is also a major factor behind the flea insurgence.  Fleas & grass, my 2 great hates of  Summer.

Nothing else is going on at the moment.  This humidity has me sticking to my desk.  That's annoying.  

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

I Hate To Say This...

For as long as I can remember, somebody has always had some reason to dislike or even hate me.  More often then not, those reasons were things completely beyond my control or my ability to influence.  The list was long; actions my parents took, where we lived, how often we moved, perceptions of me based on appearance, etc..

Do you know what?  None of that has changed.  In fact, I've added to the list of why some people will despise me.  How dare I be gay, let alone +. There still remains precious little I can do about any of it.  Truth be told, I probably wouldn't even if I could.  How dare those people judge me?  Like they & their lives are so much better.

Every day I read articles about specific communities as centers of disease, poverty & crime.   There are daily reports of people being specifically targeted by groups, even police, for aspects of their lives they can't change.  How dare they be different?  Sometimes, these reports aren't done to be helpful or informative.  Too often these reports are to point out why these people should be hated & avoided.

For the last several years, U.S. government officials;  federal, state & local, have being trying their damnedest to prove just how hateful & petty  they can be.  It's an unfortunate fact, but still true, they hate you.  They hate you for:

  • Not being White
  • Not being rich
  • Not being their kind of zealot
  • Not being perfectly straight
  • Not acting as they define your gender
  • Not living as they see fit
  • Not bowing down to them
There's so much more, but they hate for not accepting what they say & do as some kind of sick gospel.  Why can't you just accept that, 
"Flowers are red young man and green leaves are green.  There's no need to see flowers any other way than they way they always have been seen"  Harry Chapin
That song was talking about education, but what it was really about, was getting people to submit.  To be as they decreed.  

There are a few things you need to remember.  Nothing you do will ever be enough to make them stop hating you.  They don't want you to change.  They're tied between trying to get you to just go away & keeping you so they have to focus for their hate.

Yes, they abhor you.  They detest your actions & your life.  But, there's a perk to this.   At least you know it.  You know you can't change them.  You can't make them like you.  Their hatred isn't about you, it never was.  Their hatred is their & their's alone.  

Maybe knowing that, you can see you're worth more they can offer.  Just perhaps, knowing this, you can make a plan to get through life without wasting time trying to stop their hate.  Maybe knowing this, you can let yourself be & hopefully not focus any of their hate on yourself.


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Day After Tired...

We made it back & the trip went alright, but it was very tiring.  It would've been better if not for a couple of things.  1st, it decided to turn into a nasty, dismal, rainy day on the way up.  It sputtered  & poured most the way there. 

2nd, the restaurant we went to didn't fare well over the years.  It's a place we used to go, but it had changed & not for the better.  The food wasn't as good, the service was bad & the prices had hiked incredibly.   There won't be any going back there.

My appointment went well.  My labs were good.  I got  the doctor I used to see via telemedicine.  He told me, they're thinking about bringing telemedicine back.  I really hope so. It'd make my life so much easier.

He started talking to me about my dinosaur regimen again.  He's leaving my meds alone for now, they're working.  He's worried they may phase out some of my meds.  I'm on some of the oldest drugs there are, so it's a possibility.  It's happened before to the Fortovase I was on.  When companies no longer make enough $ off of a drug they cancel it.  

The doctor said I"ll need a genetic test to tell which meds I might be more apt to react badly to.  That has to be handled.  Then eh want's me to consider a 1 a day pill.  The thought of leaving my current meds is scary, they've worked for me. What if this doesn't?   But, the idea of only 1 pill  is very nice.  I guess, we'll see.

That's it for now.  I'm still worn out from yesterday.  


Sunday, May 22, 2016

Pre-Tomorrow Post...

I have to go to Tulsa tomorrow for my specialist appointment.  I'll have to leave early & it's a couple hours up & then another couple back.   I have no idea how tired I"ll be, so I'm posting this now.  I have my lab results & plan for tomorrow.  That's about all I can do for now.  I post more on Tuesday.


Just Putting Something Out There...

I've come to a hypothesis.  I'd call it a conclusion, but I have no way to test my idea.  My would-be theory will have to settle for being a pattern.  I think those people who post articles repeatedly concerning the same HIV-related topics are doing it to add filler. 

I sometimes wonder why the posters keep posting the same info repeatedly.  The articles may be different, but the material has been covered ad nauseam.  There are some people in this world who hate silence & must have constant background noise.  I think these posters fear there not being something out there daily concerning HIV.  Maybe, they feel, it'll look as if no one cares.

We should only post articles over topics when they're relevant.  That doesn't mean we can't have conversations about the material or follow-ups with developments.  But, we don't need daily posts  rehashing topics we've already seen numerous times, unless there's something new to present.

That's my theory on why there are always so many repeat articles.


Saturday, May 21, 2016


I'm not 100% yet, but I'm feeling much better than a couple of days ago.  I'm very happy about that.  I dreaded the idea of having to go to Tulsa, while feeling that bad.  It wasn't going to be a fun trip.

I did some pest spraying in the yard right before this.  I don't like spraying .  It seems they all get to me & make me feel a little off for a bit.  Some, even the allegedly natural types, can send me into  coughing fits.

That's done & I think it's about what I can handle for today.  I still have to get house stuff done.  Nothing big, but when you're worn out, even small stuff can feel gigantic.  

I'll catch up more tomorrow.


Friday, May 20, 2016

Busy Morning....

I'm still not feeling great, but seem to be getting better.  I'm not sure what happened, I just hope it's over soon. 

We had shopping & some errands to handle this morning.  They're done, but it made us run later than normal.  I'm having to shift a pill back an hour due to the time I last ate.  Pill taking while + can be a scheduling pain.  

I plan on just trying to recover this weekend.  I need to be rested up for the trip to Tulsa on Monday.  Hopefully, the weather won't be too foul.


Thursday, May 19, 2016

Still Off..

I'm still not feeling all that well.  The weather is weird & not helping me in the least.   I have to go to Tulsa on Monday for my specialist appointment.  My labs look good.  Hopefully, the trip will go well.

I looked at the articles & they're mostly the same old stuff.  They're still reporting how HIV is worse in the southern U.S.  No duh...  We've only known that for years.   They're reporting on successes with CRISPR or gene editing.  Funny, they just reported bad news with that approach a few weeks back.

Wherever you are, I hope you're feeling better than I am at the moment.


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Feeling Off...

I'm not sure what's going on with me, but I'm feeling really off.   I'm very aware of my breathing, my hips are sore, my upper chest/throat area is sore.   I'm staying pretty exhausted.  There are a lot of things this could be;  getting older, circulation issues, thyroid issues, thyroid med issues, etc...

If this doesn't clear up soon, I'll have to go see my doctor.  I'm hoping it resolves itself quickly.   I guess we'll see.

Maybe I'll feel more up to more of a post tomorrow.


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Drizzly Tuesday...

It's a bit of a drizzlefest today.   The sky just can't be bothered to full on rain.  I have to run to Fort Smith today.   If I'm lucky, there won't be an downpour on the way over.  

I didn't see much in the articles today.  But, I have noticed a repeating sentiment lately.  Any vaccine for HIV will have to adapt as the virus mutates.  This is true of any virus, but especially those like HIV or the flu.    Viruses are living things with a single intent, to survive.   These tiny things are excellent at adapting to fit their needs.   It's very unlikely there will ever be a single, silver bullet for HIV.

That's about it for today. Stay well & safe.


Monday, May 16, 2016

Just No...

Actually, that should be Hell NO!  I just read an article about a sex roulette.  The idea is that a lot of people get together & have a sex party.1 of the lot secretly has HIV & they are all expected to have unprotected sex.   STUPID! These people are risking HIV for a cheap thrill.  Just shoot them before they hurt more people with their idiocy.

On a lighter & happier note, the fan drama is over.  The new fix-it guy showed up & finished installing the ceiling fans.  It's done.  Yay!!!

It's raining & possibly heading into storms.  It rained a bit on us earlier while we were running errands.  Hopefully, it won't be to hard  a storm.


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Cool Nights...

The weather is staying really weird,  I read about some place up north getting snow out of this strange weather front.  Seriously, it's May & snow shouldn't be falling mid-May anywhere in the U.S.  

Our temps dipped down into the high 40's F last night & we're expected to have overnights in the 50's for at least the next few days.  I appreciate the coolness, but it's odd.  I really hope Summer doesn't just hop up around the corner & send the temps soaring in a week.

This cooler, damp weather is encouraging the pants to grow  & the pollen to spread.   Yuck.  I want dead grass this Summer.  The grass hasn't filled off in years & it's filled with seed & bugs.

At least I'm sleeping well with this weather.


Saturday, May 14, 2016

Inappropriate Appropriation...

I came across this article today.  At 1st this odd piece intrigued me,  Then it irritated me.   It's about something called bacterial wilt.   Some gardeners have taken to calling it the "HIV" of soil.  

I get it. The disease is difficult to detect.  It's hard to manage.  It's nearly impossible to get rid of the wilt.   

Still, this article is bordering on offending me.  I get they've made a comparison to help others to understand the severity of the plant illness.  But, have we really started viewing HIV as something so banal & casual we'll use it as a descriptor for some totally unrelated situation?  

HIV is a very highly charged word, (technically acronym). It carries an immense weight & severity.  To use it lightly on such an unrelated issue is just callous & ill-advised.   

How long before some ignorant person decides this " soil HIV" that killed his crops was caused by "the gays" & drug users?  How long before that same person decides to punish someone for infecting his crops?   Accusing them of who knows what in their efforts to contaminate his fields.

HIV is a serious subject & shouldn't be used to further some other item's or group's agenda.


Friday, May 13, 2016


Alright, ceiling fan drama continues,  We're onto fix-it guy #2.   #1 is no longer in the fix-it business. Who knows why.   We had to go back to Fort Smith on more errands dealing with the further tales of ceiling fans.  

I'm wiped.  I'm done for today.  Maybe tomorrow I'll feel better,  We'll see.


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Busy Day & A Reminder...

I post a lot about getting tested.  It's especially important to be tested often.  Early diagnosis has 2 primary benefits.   People are the most infectious in early or acute stages of the infection.   See this page at AIDS.Gov.   Earlier testing gives the person a better chance of preventing further transmission of the virus to others.  Also, the earlier a person starts treatment, the higher the success rate if they adhere to the regimen.  Just a reminder.

OK, this is a busy day. I have a errands in Fort Smith to handle.  So this will be short.   Until tomorrow.


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Fans Dead & Dying...

Our living room ceiling fan has been dying for over a year now.  The 1 in the kitchen gave up the ghost yesterday.  I need the kitchen fan.  It's the only thing that somewhat keeps that blasted smoke detector from going off every time I cook.  I hate that smoke detector.  I set a wicker trivet on fire & it burned for almost a minute.  It smoked up the kitchen.  Not so much as a peep from that horrid smoke detector.

I'll be in Fort Smith tomorrow.  Walmart has ceiling fans, but they're the same brand as what we have.  These fans have been problematic for most the time we've had them.   Time for something new.

Tomorrow's post will probably be brief unless some good articles get posted.


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Another Tuesday In May...

The storms weren't as bad as the forecast had warned.  That's a good thing.  Today is supposed to get warm, upper 80's.   There are a lot thunderstorms in the upcoming forecasts.  That's normal for Spring though.  We still about 5" of rain to meet our normal monthly rain average.  

I'm still not seeing much on article front.  It's just the same old, same old.   Maybe, it's a dry spell. 

I've been doing a little yard ward.  Some of the shrubs have gotten mildew.  Not surprising, with how wet & gloomy it's been this Spring.   If I can't get it fixed, we may lose some bushes.   Part of me hates that.  Another thinks, it'd be less to deal with in the yard. 

The back stoop is in it's death throws.  My roomie's uncle rigged a fix for it a while back & it was never meant to be permanent.  I'm surprised it lasted this long, even with the fix I did to it.  The next step is pavers.  I hope they're not too unwieldy. 

I'll be in Tulsa on the 23rd for my specialist appointment.  I need to get the van in for a oil change before then.  Hopefully, everything will go well.


Monday, May 9, 2016

Stormy Day...

It's raining & is supposed to start seriously storming soon.  I'm not sure if this will happen, but if it does, the net will probably go down.  Suddenlink can't stand the rain.  Let it drizzle & their servicesgoes out.  

I scanned the articles & found mostly nothing.  Maybe there'll be more tomorrow.  For now, I'll do this short post before my net goes out.  

Until tomorrow.


Sunday, May 8, 2016

Eye Issues...

My eyes are seriously fuzzy today.  Allergens have them irritated & watery.  I've used allergy eye drops.   Those have a sting to them.   Maybe, my vision will clear up soon.  It's supposed to rain here the next few day.  I hope that'll drive the allergens down a bit.  Until then. this blog screen is rough to look at.


Saturday, May 7, 2016

More Of It...

I scanned the articles today & didn't find anything new.  Just a lot of repeats, like they're trying to add emphasis.   Atlanta's HIV rates are comparable to 3rd world African countries.  Young people are the biggest HIV transmitters.  Abstinence policies don't help fight HIV.  Transmission numbers are still not where the US government would've like them to have been by now.

We've know most of these things for years. So, why are they still news worthy?  Because they're problematic reminders of how far we still have to go in dealing with HIV.  

Most of these issues were influenced or controlled by governmental &/or religious interests.  2 things that should've never gotten in bed together.   The result is that HIV is still spreading & so are the waves of hate, discrimination & ignorance.  Thanks, ever so.

That's all for now.


Friday, May 6, 2016

HIV Info Site...

Occasionally, I like to post websites that are good sources of information concerning HIV.   HIV InSite is such a place.  It may not have everything concerning the virus, but it's pretty dense.  Sites like this  are excellent tools for those living with HIV & others just wanting to better understand the illness.   I won't post much on it, because it's basically an encyclopedia of HIV info.   There's not much more I can add to that.  

This is a place to bookmark & keep for your personal use.  


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Busy May Morning...

I got myself around this morning,  I actually made it to check mail, pay a bill, get blood drawn & get home before 9:15.    That's good for me, so no snarking.  Especially, when it involves dealing with the unpredictability of outpatient services at the hospital that draws my blood. 

I came across an article about the 1st HIV+ to HIV+ transplant.  It took place back in 2015.  I guess they waited to report to insure the success of the procedure.   Now, we've had 2 different locations to perform these kinds of transplants.  This is a really big step.

BTW, Feliz Cinco De Mayo...


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Ongoing Still...

Over the past year & still til today there've been ongoing reports of HIV, Hep C & heroin usage in small town & rural America.  I read an article this morning concerning the suburbs of Atlanta.  The place was different but the story was the same.  

These places are in economic turmoil.   These people often to turn to risky outlets for handling their situations, like self medicating with heroin.   Most of these places have little in the way HIV or Hep C education/testing.   Virtually none of them have needle exchange programs or efforts to promote safer sex, such as free condoms.

Bad economics, no prospects, heroin & desperate people are a dangerous combination.  It's just a matter of time before someone has some blood-borne  or sexually transmitted illness that spreads like wildfire due to shared needles & risky sex.  

These small towns are tinderboxes for an inferno to burn through these areas.  Most of the officials want nothing to do with serious prevention efforts.  That might be seen as condoning sex or drug use.  Few, if any of these places are prepared for the outbreaks just waiting to happen, like those in Indiana.

We need a better economy & more jobs.  These people need hope,  But, all we can do here & now is try to educate them & give them the tools to avoid contracting/spreading these illnesses.  Sadly, I doubt that will ever happen no matter how many of these little towns go up in proverbial flames.


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May Bill Day...

The 1st of the month has arrived & the major bills have been paid or will be as they arrive.   It's always nice to have this part of the month behind us.   It means a series of little trips around town, but it's either that or mailing everything/  

The temperature took a dive.  We hit the low 40's overnight & it looks to stay that way for a bit.  Figures I packed up my blankets, throws & most of my wintry things. 

I'll try to get my blood drawn on Thursday.  It'll be ready for my specialist appointment.  Then a trip to Tulsa.  

That's it for today.  


Monday, May 2, 2016

Test Everyone...

I've pushed the idea of regular testing everyone for HIV.   It's seems the most viable & cost effective means of fighting HIV.  This article is about a hospital in Phoenix that is following CDC suggested protocol & testing everyone who comes into the emergency room.  The patient can opt out, but unless they do, they're getting tested.  I'm not going to expand  on this, read the article, but it seems the results are there.  

Test everyone.


Sunday, May 1, 2016

May Day...

Hello May, good bye April.  It's a new month.  April wasn't bad, just gloomy,chilled & soaked towards the end.   Let's hope May is at least as nice as April.  No surprises needed.

We have to handle bills this week & I need to get my labs drawn.  I'll head to Tulsa mid-month for my specialist appointment.  The van will need an oil change before then.

The weather seems to have settled down for now. I actually got reasonably good sleep last night. Amazing what a difference that makes.

So, hy again May, until next year, April.  
