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Thursday, June 12, 2014


This weather is seriously taking it's toll on me.  It's been humid & dreary for quite a bit & I feel in deep lull.  I'm thankful that it's not blazing hot already, but I'd like to ditch the drear for a bit.    This wet is making the allergens grow & mold spread.  I've been sneezing like crazy.  I feel like I'm never quite awake.

Tomorrow starts the formal count down to my roomie's surgery.  She'll leave for her pre-op appointment around 9 tomorrow morning.  It'll take her 2 hours to drive up.  The appointment could be any where from 1 - 3 hours, then another 2 hours home.  They'll have to gas up & eat so there's probably another hour.  I'm not expecting her home until at least 4 & probably closer to 6.  She'll be glad to out of the car.

This 1st half of the year has been very trying.  I'm hoping the latter half is less so.  We don't need this level of stress.  


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