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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Next To Last...

We are almost out of June.  This month has been a series of start-stops.  At times, it sped by & others it crept.  Most of this was due to the medical issues in the household.   It's been going on for a while now, but hopefully, it'll slow down soon. 

Today is the 2nd day we've had the AC on.  It wasn't really that hot, but the humidity was driving the heat index to uncomfortable levels.   My roomie is still on the mend & this humid weather is hard on the fridge.  So, hello Mr. Air Conditioner.

I have a doctor's appointment in the 1st part of July.  My roomie goes for a followup before that.  If all goes well, this will be the end of medical visits until my dental cleaning in August.  

I hope everyone is doing well & staying comfortable.


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