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Tuesday, June 17, 2014


According to this article, less than 50% of Americans are being tested for HIV.  Even after the recommendations by the CDC, only about 45% of people in the USA have ever been tested for the virus.  That only means tested once, not regularly.  The % for regular testers is bound to be considerably lower.

There are other factors affecting this matter besides patient reluctance to being tested .  For some finding a testing site has proven a challenge.  Many physicians have been at fault for not being proactive enough on this matter.  Some doctors still work on a risk based equation to determine whether or not someone needs to be tested.  The problems with that approach are numerous.  Is the patient being honest?  Does the patient know all the risks they've been exposed to?   

The answer to this is simple, get tested.  Know your HIV status & take whatever actions are necessary for you to move on with your life.  Your health is worth a simple test.


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