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Monday, June 9, 2014

Bring Out The Ark...

It's been raining a lot.  We've got somewhere over 3" since late Saturday night.   There are flash flood warnings around us.

The net is acting a bit wonky & the power has flickered.  Hopefully, they'll hold.  We'll see.

I'm feeling a bit better.  I got some decent sleep last night.  I've got to go out in a bit to pick up my roomie from Fort Smith.  If I'm lucky the rain will let up for a bit. The van hates being driven in hard rain.

It looks like my roomie's trip to Tulsa on Friday will be handled by her brother.    That's at least 1 less drive I won't have to make.  It looks as if I might not have to drive any of the remaining trips.  That means we don't have to worry about finding someone to handle the cats.   It's also less wear on the van.   About a month from now, this could be mostly behind her.  That'd be nice.


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