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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Stormy Night...

We had some fairly severe storms last night & there apt to continue throughout the day.  Usually, storms make for good sleeping weather for me.  Not last night.

The storms were erratic & 1 of the cats was a pain in the ass.  Between the 2 I didn't sleep well last night.  Then about 5 in the morning the birds started their noise.  My sleep was ruined.

I don't fair well without good sleep.  I feel like crap & my mood is somewhere south of sour.   I'm envisioning a house free of the 1 pain the ass kitty.

We had to go shopping this morning.  Our regular schedule is getting bumped up a day.  The storm was annoying.   Getting home wasn't too pleasant either.   We had to take another route home, due to a low water ridge & the rain.

We're home.  I'm tired.  That's about it.


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