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Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Sands Of Time, Blah, Blah, Blah...

There are a lot of articles out this weekend about the aging, HIV+ population in Britain.   They now have a significant population living with the virus over the age of 50.  It's estimated in another year or so over half the + population in the USA will be over 50.  That's me in another couple of years.  I'm not worried about the number, but the issues with being that old compounded with being +.

My roomie & I have decided after this medical stuff with her is resolved to do another purge of the house.  We want to do this to get rid junk we've gathered & to make it easier on us.  Less stuff makes it less difficult to navigate the house & less of an issue to clean it.   There's a lot of stuff that's gotten to old to be viable, there are things we have to many of (like pots/pans).  

We have to accept that life goes on & it's up to us to make it as easy on us as possible.  Avoidance isn't a tactic that's going to work in this matter.  After our current cats have passed, we've decided to only take older rescue cats.   It just seems like a better idea for us.

Here's looking forward to getting older, yeah!


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