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Friday, June 27, 2014

+ Stigma...

This post will be brief.  I'd rather you read the article. It broaches the topic of whether or not in this time is it safe to out yourself as HIV+ in the workplace. This article dealt with the US & concluded with mostly some maybes & it depends'.   That doesn't surprise me.

Unless you have to tell someone at work your status, I don't think it's anyone else's business.   It is a personal matter & will only complicate your job experience & possibly lead to a hostile work environment.  Most people are remarkably ignorant when it comes to HIV & even if they don't mean harm, they could cause it for you if they know your status.

I don't think it's at all safe in my area of the world to let your boss, perspective employers or even coworkers know you status.  It's not even all that wise to let know your not straight.  Time may have passed, but not enough to change some of these crappy attitudes & stupidity.


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