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Monday, June 30, 2014

Goodbye June...

Like I said yesterday, this was an odd & awkward month.  I'm sort of glad to see it going.   Hopefully, July won't be quite so eventful.  

The 1 thing I really wanted out of 2014, was less drama.  Apparently. that just isn't going to be the case.   Still, things could've been a lot worse.  

Goodbye June.  Until next year.  Goodbye to the 1st half of 2014.  Damn that went by quick.


Sunday, June 29, 2014

Next To Last...

We are almost out of June.  This month has been a series of start-stops.  At times, it sped by & others it crept.  Most of this was due to the medical issues in the household.   It's been going on for a while now, but hopefully, it'll slow down soon. 

Today is the 2nd day we've had the AC on.  It wasn't really that hot, but the humidity was driving the heat index to uncomfortable levels.   My roomie is still on the mend & this humid weather is hard on the fridge.  So, hello Mr. Air Conditioner.

I have a doctor's appointment in the 1st part of July.  My roomie goes for a followup before that.  If all goes well, this will be the end of medical visits until my dental cleaning in August.  

I hope everyone is doing well & staying comfortable.


Saturday, June 28, 2014

Proud Of Their Stupid...

According to this article, a bunch of idiot Christians are going to infiltrate a pride event so they can do "god's"  work.  They think by doing this they can release the healing of HIV & AIDS.  They've hoisted both the crazy & stupid flags today.  The level of idiocy in this is just astounding.  


Friday, June 27, 2014

+ Stigma...

This post will be brief.  I'd rather you read the article. It broaches the topic of whether or not in this time is it safe to out yourself as HIV+ in the workplace. This article dealt with the US & concluded with mostly some maybes & it depends'.   That doesn't surprise me.

Unless you have to tell someone at work your status, I don't think it's anyone else's business.   It is a personal matter & will only complicate your job experience & possibly lead to a hostile work environment.  Most people are remarkably ignorant when it comes to HIV & even if they don't mean harm, they could cause it for you if they know your status.

I don't think it's at all safe in my area of the world to let your boss, perspective employers or even coworkers know you status.  It's not even all that wise to let know your not straight.  Time may have passed, but not enough to change some of these crappy attitudes & stupidity.


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Bad Morning...

Sorta cranky right now.  The 1st thing I saw on my computer this morning (it still isn't fixed), was a bright red screen stating 1 of my utility programs was an illegal copy.   Dammit, I bought that thing back in January.  I had to search for a contact number & then I had to wait for their office hours.   It was supposed to be in English & I suppose it was just barely.  

The problem still isn't sorted.  There've been emails & screenshots sent.  I'll probably just have to get another copy of it.  I hate screwing with computer issues in the morning & they almost always seem to happen just as I'm getting around.  

I'm still waiting on a return email.  Hopefully, this will be resolved soon.


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

After Shower...

We are to the time of year I hate.  I despise it when the weather to the point that just after a shower, you're immediately covered by a thin layer of moisture.   After shower sweats are unnerving.  They basically undo the effort you just put into taking a shower.   You can try to cool down with just cold water before you get out of the shower.  That helps but doesn't totally solve the problem.  I try to to get in front of a fan as quick as possible.    I'd rather have the cold bathroom from Winter than the swelter shower.


PS... Oh joy, the lawn guy is here early...

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Going Up...

This article talks about how HIV rates in Charleston, SC, (USA) are on the rise.   I'm annoyed at this news but not surprised.  HIV rates in this country should be going down not up.  

However, this is a southern city & the American South has long been a hotbed for HIV.  There's a lack of funding, education & willingness for the state legislatures to really push in regards to health issues. (Too busy being ultra conservative Republican).  

The major rise has been been in the ethnic community as well.  I've talked about this matter in regards to the southern US before.  The article goes into more recent detail on the issue.


Monday, June 23, 2014

Blogger Issues...

I'm not sure what's up with Blogger right now, but it keeps refreshing my page.  I've lost what I was trying to post several times now.  

I'll try to post more tomorrow.  Today has already been too annoying to deal with Blogger's issues right now.  Hopefully, they'll fix this by then.


Sunday, June 22, 2014


It's only about 90 F, but the humidity is awful & jacking up the heat index.   That's hell on us & the fridge.  Today was the 1st day we turned on the AC.  It's late in the year for it.  I'm thankful we got to hold out this long, but I wish we could've got into July.  

My roomie is going through post surgical issues.  She's doing better each day, so that's good.  Still, she doesn't need to be sweating up a storm while she's tying to mend.

Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler.   I have to go shopping.  Sometime this week I have to go to Fort Smith.  Other than that, it's mostly staying inside & trying to be cool.  


Saturday, June 21, 2014


I've been out getting some things for my roomie.  She got back in last night too late for me to get much.  The surgery seems to have gone well.  There are some tests pending.  Then there will be a followup appointment.  I guess that will let here know what happens then.  

I'm a little worn out today.  My feet are still acting up.  I'm not sure how much I'll be doing today.  The weather has been pretty rough on me.  It's not that hot, but the humidity is high.   We had a significant chance of rain last night.  All it did was give us a wet haze.  

I'll post more tomorrow.


Friday, June 20, 2014

Well, Maybe...

Things are up in the air whether or not my roomie will be coming home today or not.  There are some milestones they want you to pass before they release you.  We should know this afternoon.  

I have to go shopping.  It's supposed to rain today.  It's muggy already this morning.  

I'm trying to look at the brighter things right now.  I noticed yesterday the crepe myrtle in the front yard has finally bloomed.  It's blooms are almost bubblegum pink.   They go well with the bright orange tiger lilies near them.  The rose of Sharon bushes in the back are blooming.  

That's about all I have for now.


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Took Longer...

My roomie's surgery took longer than expected, over twice as long.  I'm not sure surgeons can tell time.  Even with a longer time table, from what I know so far, everything seems to have gone well.  

I'm still not sure who'll be bringing her home.  For that matter, I'm not sure what the followup to this will be.  I know there's an appointment in 2 weeks, but there could always be more.

I know I haven't talked much about the actual nature of my roomie's ailment,  I don't like to discuss other people's medical issues.  However, she did blog about it, here.

I'm still waiting for more info.  I'm trying to be patient, which is not in my nature.  I'll blog more tomorrow.


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Way Things Stand...

Morning's gone & my roomie is on her way to Tulsa with her uncle.  The bags were ready by the door & we got to chat a little before they were underway.   Unfortunately, 1 of the matters he had to hear about was that we were expecting a plumber today.  

Last night, I noticed a small leak on the outflow of the water heater.  I called the plumber this morning & lucked out, they'd had a cancellation.   They ran a bit late & we didn't need the expense, but at least it wasn't a new water heater.  

Things handled...
  • Roomie on her way to Tulsa
  • Leak fixed
  • Trash out
  • Litter box done (usually handled by the roomie)
If all goes well, they'll check into the hotel this afternoon.  She'll do last night prep for the surgery.  They'll leave the hotel & be to the hospital by 5:30.   Surgery should start at 7:00.   It's supposed to be a 2 hour procedure.  She could be in her hospital room by 10:00 & there'll she'll stay overnight.  

I'm still not sure who's going to pick her up.  Supposedly, it's her sister in law.  If not, it'll be me.  I'm sort of expecting it to be me.  People are being flakey lately, so I'll just assume I'm going.  If I don't, bonus.  

That's all for now.


Tuesday, June 17, 2014


According to this article, less than 50% of Americans are being tested for HIV.  Even after the recommendations by the CDC, only about 45% of people in the USA have ever been tested for the virus.  That only means tested once, not regularly.  The % for regular testers is bound to be considerably lower.

There are other factors affecting this matter besides patient reluctance to being tested .  For some finding a testing site has proven a challenge.  Many physicians have been at fault for not being proactive enough on this matter.  Some doctors still work on a risk based equation to determine whether or not someone needs to be tested.  The problems with that approach are numerous.  Is the patient being honest?  Does the patient know all the risks they've been exposed to?   

The answer to this is simple, get tested.  Know your HIV status & take whatever actions are necessary for you to move on with your life.  Your health is worth a simple test.


Monday, June 16, 2014

Another Monday...

It's Monday & we went shopping.  On Wednesday my roomie's uncle will arrive & drive her Tulsa.   So far, everything's going according to plan.  Hopefully, she'll be back sometime Friday.  If not, then it may be a few days later.  

She's trying to get stuff rounded up & packed.  Her list is made & she's checking things off as she goes.  I'm glad she gets to see her counselor before she goes.  That'll probably be needed by then.

Other than dealing with this matter & shopping, not much else is going on with us.  


Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Sands Of Time, Blah, Blah, Blah...

There are a lot of articles out this weekend about the aging, HIV+ population in Britain.   They now have a significant population living with the virus over the age of 50.  It's estimated in another year or so over half the + population in the USA will be over 50.  That's me in another couple of years.  I'm not worried about the number, but the issues with being that old compounded with being +.

My roomie & I have decided after this medical stuff with her is resolved to do another purge of the house.  We want to do this to get rid junk we've gathered & to make it easier on us.  Less stuff makes it less difficult to navigate the house & less of an issue to clean it.   There's a lot of stuff that's gotten to old to be viable, there are things we have to many of (like pots/pans).  

We have to accept that life goes on & it's up to us to make it as easy on us as possible.  Avoidance isn't a tactic that's going to work in this matter.  After our current cats have passed, we've decided to only take older rescue cats.   It just seems like a better idea for us.

Here's looking forward to getting older, yeah!


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Home Again...

My roomie made it home around 4:30 yesterday.  Apparently everything went well with her pre-op appointment.   Now, at least she knows how to get where she needs to be for her surgery.  

She'll have some appointments locally on Tuesday.   On Wednesday, she'll head & spend the night in Tulsa.  The surgery is early & some other things need to happen, so driving up early Thusday really isn't an option.   Her surgery is on Thursday.  After that, we'll know how things went & how long her stay will be.  If all goes well, she should be heading home Friday some time.  Past that is a followup appointment & healing.  

It all sounds so 1-2-3, I just hope it goes that way.   There have been enough issues for the both of us this year.  Here's to the best for the following week.


Friday, June 13, 2014

Waiting, Round 1...

My roomie left this morning a little after 8.  We thought she'd be heading out about 9, but her father was running early.  While I appreciate someone else driving this trip, I'm not happy about being out of the loop.   The waiting part sucks.

I'm irritated the arrangements got switched fairly late in the game.   At least it wasn't this morning, but don't offer to do something you can't do.  My roomie has family close to here,  Her brother & his family live in town, her father lives about 45 minutes away,  She has some other relative about that distance in Arkansas as well.  

But when I think of her family, I think of her uncle in Colorado.   He's been the person most apt to help with things.   He's the 1 who stays calm.  He'll be coming in to take her to Tulsa next week.  Since her grandmother passed, he's been the person she can actually depend on most.  Half the time she can barely get a call back from the others.  Other than some friends in the area, there's very little holding her here.  Maybe someday, Poteau will be in the rear view mirror for good.


Thursday, June 12, 2014


This weather is seriously taking it's toll on me.  It's been humid & dreary for quite a bit & I feel in deep lull.  I'm thankful that it's not blazing hot already, but I'd like to ditch the drear for a bit.    This wet is making the allergens grow & mold spread.  I've been sneezing like crazy.  I feel like I'm never quite awake.

Tomorrow starts the formal count down to my roomie's surgery.  She'll leave for her pre-op appointment around 9 tomorrow morning.  It'll take her 2 hours to drive up.  The appointment could be any where from 1 - 3 hours, then another 2 hours home.  They'll have to gas up & eat so there's probably another hour.  I'm not expecting her home until at least 4 & probably closer to 6.  She'll be glad to out of the car.

This 1st half of the year has been very trying.  I'm hoping the latter half is less so.  We don't need this level of stress.  


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

So Far...

Today we've been dry.  Not a drop from above.  We needed the rain, but it was getting tiresome.  

My roomie will be heading to Tulsa on Friday for a pre-op appointment.  I'll be handling shopping on my own that day.  That'll be easier than driving another round trip to Tulsa. 

It's a bit tense around here & understandably so.   She's gearing up for a major operation.  There are always a lot of thing up in the air when that happens.   The surgery is common enough, but still, it's surgery. 

Her brother will take her Friday.  Her uncle will accompany her the following week for the actual operation.  That leaves me to tend to the house & cats.   It looks like her sister in law will be driving her up for her follow up 2 weeks after the surgery.  Hopefully, that will about wrap up this matter.

Will know more as it happens.  She's done all she can do on her end of the matter.  Now we wait.  


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tuesday Noonish...

Not much going on today.  It still looks a bit stormy out, but so far no rain today.   Our routine is somewhat normal today.  My roomie has an appointment today.  

We're gearing up for her medical jaunts over the next month.   This Friday she goes to Tulsa for a pre-appointment thing.   The following Tuesday she sees her regular doctor catch up on things.   The Thursday after she'll be in Tulsa for an overnight stay for the major point of the matter.  2 weeks past that she'll return for a follow-up.

Maybe by late July, we'll be back to our normal life.  That's be nice.  She's been dealing with this mess since January.  Getting past it would be good for everyone.

Until later.


Monday, June 9, 2014

Bring Out The Ark...

It's been raining a lot.  We've got somewhere over 3" since late Saturday night.   There are flash flood warnings around us.

The net is acting a bit wonky & the power has flickered.  Hopefully, they'll hold.  We'll see.

I'm feeling a bit better.  I got some decent sleep last night.  I've got to go out in a bit to pick up my roomie from Fort Smith.  If I'm lucky the rain will let up for a bit. The van hates being driven in hard rain.

It looks like my roomie's trip to Tulsa on Friday will be handled by her brother.    That's at least 1 less drive I won't have to make.  It looks as if I might not have to drive any of the remaining trips.  That means we don't have to worry about finding someone to handle the cats.   It's also less wear on the van.   About a month from now, this could be mostly behind her.  That'd be nice.


Sunday, June 8, 2014

Stormy Night...

We had some fairly severe storms last night & there apt to continue throughout the day.  Usually, storms make for good sleeping weather for me.  Not last night.

The storms were erratic & 1 of the cats was a pain in the ass.  Between the 2 I didn't sleep well last night.  Then about 5 in the morning the birds started their noise.  My sleep was ruined.

I don't fair well without good sleep.  I feel like crap & my mood is somewhere south of sour.   I'm envisioning a house free of the 1 pain the ass kitty.

We had to go shopping this morning.  Our regular schedule is getting bumped up a day.  The storm was annoying.   Getting home wasn't too pleasant either.   We had to take another route home, due to a low water ridge & the rain.

We're home.  I'm tired.  That's about it.


Saturday, June 7, 2014


Turned out, yesterday's storm was a dud.  For a bit, it was intense & then poof, it was gone.   Now all we have is some heat & a lot if humidity.  It's not pleasant.

I'm sitting here trying to type this & my wrists keep sticking to the desk.    Everything is sticky, yuck.  I hate the mugginess of this time of year.  

I think a mockingbird has learned I feed the outdoor cat.  I thought I heard him this morning.  When I took some food out, there was no sign of him.  When I looked out again, a smug mockingbird just looked at me as she ate.

I haven't got much to blog about today.  So, I'll end now.  Have a great Saturday.


Friday, June 6, 2014

Stormy Net...

It's storming here & might get worse.  Most often, we usually lose the net or power, or both.   I'll post this short 1 today.   We got shopping done early this morning, but on the way home, it just continued to get darker.   It started being stormy a little over an hour ago & it's lingering.  

Maybe the rain will wash away some of the yick that's been in the air from allergens & yard mowings.  That would be nice.  It's cooling down with the rain & wind.  I hope it doesn't get too severe.

Have a good day.


Thursday, June 5, 2014

Nothing Day...

The planning process for my roomie's medical journey is ongoing, but it at least has a direction.  So far, it's been nice today.  Nothing too warm yet,

Today is a nothing day.  We have nothing we have to go do, nothing is demanding out immediate attention,   This is seriously nice & we needed it today.   Everything will rev back up soon, but for now, let the lounging commence.

I'm still looking through articles.  Lately, they've been about things I've covered a lot,  a lot of Truvada articles & aging with HIV.  Both are important topics, but I think I've said what I have to on those topics. 

Have a good day.


Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Amazingly, it's been a pleasant morning.  It's been a while since we had 1.  It's warming up a bit today, but for now it's nice.  With all that's going on in my life, I think's it's wise to recognize the good things.

We had some errands this morning.  They went smoothly for us, that in itself is strange lately.  Even the DMV was easy.  Today was trash day.  Again, a day I like.  The old stuff is going to the curb.  

As we get nearer my roomie's medical stuff dates, we seem to be hitting this rather Zen state about it.  We'll do what we can & past that, there's nothing more we can do.   Accepting that has helped a  lot.

Have a great Wednesday.


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Annoying Morning...

My foot is mostly feeling better.  Yesterday was the 1st day with no painkillers for it.  It's still sore, but tolerable.   This morning was bill paying time.  That meant going by the bank & a couple of other places.

The bank was relatively easy.  Everything else was a pain in the ass.  Correction, a very slow pain in the ass.  All the while, I'm having to stand on my foot that is mostly on the mend.  It let me know it wasn't happy with all the standing.

We're home.  Most the bills are paid.  The rest will be handled tomorrow.   Past that, we'll have to wait for the others to come in throughout the month.  

This has left me a little tired.  I still have to shower.  So I'm letting this end now.


Monday, June 2, 2014

The 2nd..

This is the 1st Monday of June.  We're headed into the  busy part of the month, bill paying time.  We'll handle those tomorrow.   There will errands to be ran this week & household stuff to do.  I'm expecting a med delivery, hopefully it goes as planned.   Other than that, this week is pretty clear for us.

Next week there's more running about to do.  Then on next Friday, we'll be back in Tulsa for my roomie's medical stuff.  This Summer will be busy with medical stuff.  In July I have a regular appointment with my primary doctor & then in August there's a dental cleaning.   That doesn't count all the medical stuff my roomie has to handle.  

That's way too many trips to medical places for a Summer.


Sunday, June 1, 2014

June, Really...

I'm not sure how, but it's already June.   May was such a whirl of crap, stress & anxiety that it seems like we just got started.  Good bye May, you were not a pleasant month.

I've given up on asking for months with less drama.  I'm just hoping for a manageable amount.  You know, something just shy of driving off a cliff.  

The end of April & May sucked.  There's more suckage ahead, all the way into July.  At least we know it's coming & can make plans accordingly.  So June, as long as you don't make anymore major stress or get hella hot, we should get along fine.  
