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Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Hello Spring...


Spring is starting off cold.  It looks to be warmer for the duration of the forecast.  But we've been here before.  I hope the cold is behind us.  I'd like for some of the dark to be as well.  I may not get either.

I really get irritated when people tell you not to be so anxious, nervous or stressed.  Especially when your  entire life has been full of stressful, nervy, anxiety inducing things.  The only times I ever remember not being in those states was when I was overwhelmed by sensory input & my mind had to focus on the moment.  If I was at a skating rink, dance club, amusement park, concert I could be present.  The pulsing, rhythmic, flashes & movement could keep me focused.  If not my mind was spinning off to the next disaster looming around the bend.  The problem was the parties do end & the crap is just around the corner.  There's always a shoe waiting to drop.

Anytime I can try to reduce stressors I do.  I get irritated when things pile on.  I understand life is stressful, but it doesn't all have to be every minute of every day.  What really sucks is that me nor mine hardly ever are the actual cause of the stress.  It's someone else's mess hitting us.

To all the perky, existentialist touting their self destiny, control & toxic positivity; please just shut up & die.  As promptly as you could would be appreciated.   Either you are lying or you're in a luxurious bubble most people will never get near.  You're either manipulative, delusional or naive.  Whatever it happens to be for you, just leave the rest of us alone.  We don't want the crazy you're selling.  We're full up with our own.

Rant's over.  Hello Spring.  Try to be pleasant & bright.  I don't need more dark or drama.  That's all, take care.


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