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Monday, March 4, 2024

1st March Issue...


That didn't last long.  Yesterday, the toilet started flushing weird.  It did, but barely.  The city's been working on sewer lines.  We weren't sure if it was on end or theirs.  This morning I called the city & the didn't know anything.  We tried to call the plumber & had to leave a message.   Half an hour later, it was flushing normally.  We don't know if the issue is resolved or on pause.  Until it happens again, the plumber probably won't be able to do anything.

There's always issues.  I just wish they didn't always seem to fall on the weekend.  Hopefully, this was just something in the lines that worked itself out.  If not, we'll be calling the plumber back.

That's all for now.  Of course during this, my HIV specialist's office is texting me like crazy to confirm my appointment & do pre check in.  I hate the pre check in.  They always make me do it again when I get there.  

Oh well, the 1st of the month stuff starts this morning.  Take care.


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