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Friday, March 8, 2024



There've been a lot of articles lately discussing the same concept.  Whether it's HIV treatment, PrEP, condom use, safer sex practices, etc..., they all depend on consistency.  You can employ any of those listed things, but unless it's done regularly & properly, they won't be as beneficial.  Unless the last 3 are used in a consistent basis, they won't provide as much prevention. 

The primary thing in any post or pre HIV regimen is constant, consistent, proper usage of the medication.  Even if you have the med, if not take routinely as prescribed, it may not work as intended.   Doctors can only provide access to the meds.  The rest of it is up to you.  I'm not saying it's easy.  At times you may very well hate the meds for numerous reasons.  But not taking them, really isn't any option, if you want to manage your HIV.

HIV forces you to become consistent.  There are doctor appointments, labs, pharmacy trips, meds to take, other means pf self care & so on.  It's trying & unfortunately, the lion's share of the work is on you.  Maybe someday, they'll have a cure.  But for now, that's just a dream.  You are the only thing really keeping your story going.  Learn to be consistent regarding your HIV so there's a next page.


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