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Sunday, October 23, 2022

So Much For October....


October hasn't been as quarrelsome as September.  Still, it hasn't been an easy month.  It's been nearly as challenging as the rest of 2022.  Yesterday was windy.  It howled all day.  For whatever reason, the sound of debris it was driving, the wind exhausted me.  Unfortunately, it looks to be windy again today.

I guess everything has taken a toll on the holiday spirit.  Besides celebrating Halloween on the wrong day, there's been few decorations.  There are a few houses in my neighborhood that are normally decked out for every holiday.  So far there  a few questionable pumpkins & tattered gossamer ghosts.   Nothing like normal.  The holidays are changing & I'm not sure they're going to last much longer.   I was never a big holiday person, but I didn't want them to die off.

Maybe October's treating others better. Take care & Happy Halloween.


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