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Sunday, October 16, 2022

1st Fall Sleep...


I have different sleep modes for the seasons.  I don't sleep as deeply when it's warmer.  However, I'm more apt to sprawl & roll, so when I wake up I'm not stiff & achy.  It's generally a more restful sleep.  My cooler weather sleep is deeper with me more balled up & still.  I wake less, but I'm probably going to be stiff & sore.  

Cool of the year sleep also leads to jolty wake ups.  Sudden waking & sometimes cortisol surges.  I wake shaky, nervous & frazzled.  If it continues, it gets  worse.   I eventually wake up an anxious, exhausted  mess.   There is little I like about the dark of the year.   Most of September through most of April shouldn't even be on the calendar.   

So my 1st dark of the year sleep happened, just great.


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