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Monday, October 24, 2022

Fall Opening...


The 1st month of Autumn has passed.  It wasn't very pleasant.  It mostly acted like a tepid Summer.  All the previous season's issues continued; it was hot, there was yard work, there were bugs, etc...  The only Fallish thing we  got were the weird temperature shifts & the darkness, nothing good.  So far, Fall is failing.

I'm always out of step with things.  As I got to where holidays weren't such an issue for me, people started stepping away from them.  Over the last decade, there's been a decrease in Holiday spirit.  Everything has slowly waned;  the decor, music, specials, events...  Christmas music used to drive me crazy when I'd go shopping.  Slowly it faded.  I think I heard a couple of songs last year at Walmart & that was it.  

I'm not a big holiday person.  But if everybody else  is losing their interest as well, what does that say?  Are we losing wonder, dreams, merriment, awe, anticipation...?   If so, nothing good seems to be replacing them.

So far, Autumn is bombing & the pre holiday season is a dud.


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