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Saturday, October 15, 2022



We're midway through October.  Maybe the downhill  slide will do better.  I'm not holding my breath on that.  It's supposed to rain tonight.  We need the rain.  We don't need some ballistic storm BS.  My neighbor has a rooster.  I hate this bird.  It has the strangest crow & it sings all night long.  He needs a bottle of red, some aromatics & a pot.

There isn't much else going on here.  It doesn't feel like Halloween's just 2 weeks away.  Then a month and a half later will be Thanksgiving.  There's a fair bit of disconnect for me this year.  I'm not hating on the holidays, I'm just sort of not registering them.  Just another part of the social veneer, that's peeled away.  Things like these take effort & need maintenance.  Neither have happened often enough.

Oh well, we're halfway to November.


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