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Monday, October 3, 2022

No, But Yes...


Slightly busy morning, we need to 1st of the month stuff underway.  I didn't notice any articles this morning, so this is going to be an opinion matter.  People say HIV is no longer a death sentence & shouldn't be criminalized or have a person required  to  reveal  their status.  

Let's be clear, I don't anyone should be charged simply for being HIV+.  Onto my issues with this matter.  As for HIV no longer being a death sentence.   How 1st world of you.  If you can get the resources;  medical treatment, meds, food, housing, etc...  HIV probably won't kill you.  There's a lot places where none of those things are givens.

Again, back to HIV not being a death sentence.   It most certainly was to the life the person was living before they knew they were HIV+.  They will never be the same.  They will never live that same life again.  It's gone, it was replaced with a life of being + &  taking meds, seeing doctors, facing stigma, etc...

Finally, as for not revealing your status.  If you have sex with someone & you didn't  reveal pertinent info  about yourself, like being HIV+, that was a non-consensual encounter.  By not revealing that knowledge, you robbed that person of being able to give informed consent.  You violated them, their  trust,  their life.  You may not have used force, but you raped them & potentially ruined their life.

HIV shouldn't be criminalized.  But it shouldn't be  legitimized & normalized like it's a common cold.  Any one who feels HIV isn't at least in part a death sentence, is mistaken.  Any one who opts not to inform their partners is a monster.

My opinion on the matter, take care.


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