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Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Not Quite...


I'm feeling mostly better, but there were still moments yesterday.   This booster was rougher than I'd hoped for, but that figures.  Hot/cold switching & anxiousness seem to be the leftovers from this shot.  Maybe that will fade soon.  Then again, part of the anxiety is from the car issue.  I wish we could've taken it in sooner.  I guess this time of the year has the mechanics busy.

I didn't see any notable articles.  It got cold here. The last couple of nights it dipped under freezing.  Still not enough to shock all the plants into dormancy.  I'm still seeing wasps in the sunny spots.   Cold wasps are an issue, they fly cold-drunk.  You're more apt to get stung because of an accidental fly by than intent.

That's all for now, take care.


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