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Thursday, December 30, 2021



It's foggy this morning.   My roomie has a friend over & the cats are never sure about how to handle that.  It's a strange day for me.  

Today is my sister's birthday.  I used to always call her during the holidays & wish her a happy holiday & birthday.  A ways back I called & she seemed off about it.  That was when I started accepting I was the one leading this relationship.

At one point, this was the closest person to me.  Then she wasn't.  Even then I think the relationship was  more leaning towards me wanting it.  When the separation started, I was very young.  Then life got weird & I held on to a memory.

We aren't even phone call close anymore, no more  monthly calls.  We've spoke twice this year.  Once to tell me my father had passed.  The next time surprised  me.  She called me, I was pretty sure  someone else had died, but no.  She had actually just called.  She hadn't done that in over a decade  probably won't ever again.

The thing I learned during that last conversation.  My sister was no longer that cool, long haired, 1970s girl  listening to the radio as we drove down the highway.  Now, she's an agitated conservative, anti-vaxxer.    She went from being my safe place, to being someone I'd never spoke to if I met for the 1st time today.  Times change & memories lie.  We try to see the best  & it's often wrong.  I wish this woman the best on her birthday, but I don't know her & she isn't the sister I knew.

There's my nostalgia for the year.  Take care.


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