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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Grey Endings...


The Winter greys are here & don't look to be  going away anytime soon.  It's raining.  Looks like we'll make our monthly rain average.   This isn't supposed to last all day.  That's good.  We have to handle trash & run an errand.  I don't want to do that in the rain.  We will if we have to, but it'd be nice not to.

Looks like the year will end in a series of grey, wet &  colder days.  The forecast calls for a frigid over night for the 1st.  I don't like it, but I suppose it's expected.  It's Winter after all.  Hope it kills all the lingering bugs & weeds.  This last warm week has caused them to come out in droves.

That's  all for now.  Take care.


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