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Thursday, December 23, 2021

Car, Cold, Sleep...


Car issues, house stress, light changes, the cold & more conspired to exhaust me.  I woke late this morning & slept very deeply last night.  I'm a bit stiff from it all.  We got the car back & they said it was  fixed.  Days are starting to get longer again, it's a long process.  It'll be cold until at least March.   

I don't have much to write about this morning.  It's the day before Christmas Eve.   Until COVID started, we'd have tried to do more, but now it's just not worth it. Few people are wearing masks or even trying to be safe.  A little over half our state is fully vaccinated & a much lower number has had their boosters.   With the holidays & Omicron, the COVID numbers will probably go way up again.  

Maybe next year will be better & we can go see a movie or at least eat out somewhere nice for our birthdays.  Be safe this holiday season & take  care.


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