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Sunday, December 12, 2021

3-2-1 Sunday...


After today, there are only 2 more  Sundays left in  the month & 2021.  The year is winding down.  I feel like we're  starting to measure years in terms of COVID.  There was that 1st original year.  Then there was delta, followed by omicron.  We need to ditch this method of year remembrance.

It chilled down again last night.  It's supposed to be pretty chilly for the next couple of days & then warm up a bit.  I doubt there'll be any white Christmases near our area.   Those are pretty, but I can do without it.

Not much going on this morning.  Saw an article on HIV actually recommending condom use.  How novel.  That's it for now, take  care.


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