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Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Hello December & World AIDS Day....



It's the 1st of December & the end of the year.  It's a bright morning.  We have a bit to do today.  We have some errands & my roomie has an appointment.  It's also trash day.

I didn't see many articles this morning.  Most were talking about the rising cases of HIV during the pandemic.   Many were looking forward, some back, on the age of HIV.   Biden has stated his White House will  focus more on older Americans living with HIV.  The 50+ range is a large part of HIV+ people.

Hello December, let's try to be a good month.  No one needs  any end of the year drama.   We've dealt with that too many times already.

It's also World's AIDS Day.   This year's theme is equitable access to care.   Maybe  Biden will be more involved.  It'd  be easy considering what little tRump did.

Take care.


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