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Monday, December 7, 2020

Wrapping & Winding...


Today is the end of the 1st week of December 2020.  It's all coming to an end.   Time is winding down in the year, until the holidays, until a new president...  People are wrapping up whatever plans they have for the holidays.  

2020 started off bad for me.  I spent the 1st several weeks recovering from a stay in the hospital.  That may very well have been COVID-19.  By the time, I was feeling more myself, the world started falling apart.  

This has been a horrible year & I don't blame the virus.  I blame all those people who took upon themselves to aid & abet COVID-19.   The protesters, ralliers, rioters, etc...  All those trumpers, christians, conservatives & other denialists caused this.  Their actions & refusals to be responsible turned an outbreak into firestorm.

To those who tried to protect themselves & others, I wish a tidy ending of 2020 & a happy new year.  To the rest of you, why don't you just stay in 2020?  You made it, enjoy.


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