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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

1 Year Out...


Last year, on December 27th, I woke after a  really bad night & was very sick.  It progressed until the 30th, when I went to the clinic.  I was sent to the hospital for pneumonia.  It was pretty awful & now we're wondering if  it  was COVID19.  My symptoms better fit that, than pneumonia.  I got myself out of there on New Year's  Eve.  It took forever to recover.   

It's nearly the end of 2020 & I'm trying not to get ill.  No more hospital trips. If what I had was even a minor case of COVID, you don't want that bug.  Whatever I had was far harder on me than any pneumonia I'd dealt with before.

Let's wrap up 2020.  Take care & be safe.


BTW - It's the last trash day of the year.

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