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Thursday, December 3, 2020



There are constant reports on the death tolls & cost of COVID-19.  But, those numbers are far from complete.   The number of deaths & the costs to lives & welfare far exceed them.  Those amounts mainly reflect what was reported to be directly linked to coronavirus.  

They leave out any harm caused by the impact of fighting COVID or just it's presence.  Many are avoiding healthcare or being sent away due to the pandemic.  So many resources are being aimed at COVID that other health issues are being brushed aside.   People who need hospitalization or treatment are being sent away due to lack of resources.  Many are too scared of the pandemic to seek help.

Many articles have mentioned how the presence of COVID is interfering with fight against other illnesses; TB, malaria, HIV, etc...  Besides the lockdowns, there is also fear & redirected resources.  These battles are being suppressed by the pandemic.

Add to that, the economic devastation & more will be injured or worse.  Many people will & have found themselves incapable of providing even the most basic of needs; food, shelter, healthcare...  There are many who were surviving before the crisis, that won't make it through this.

In the end, the death & damages of this pandemic will far exceed the numbers given.  We may never know the amount of people whose lives were ended or damaged beyond repair due to the fall-out of this virus.   If you can't be part of the solution, try not to be part of the problem.

Wear a mask, social distance & stay sanitized.


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