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Saturday, December 5, 2020

Nothing Saturday...


We don't have any plans for today & I'm fine with that.  It was sunny when  I woke up.  I'm running a little late, so this will be short.  We may have lost our last porch cat.  They come & go.  Most are beyond taming, without a lot of time.  We had several in the Spring, due to a neighbor who didn't take care of his cats.  We were down to a black tom.  I put a house out for him.   I can only hope he found a better home.

I wish people would take care of their animals.  I can't take in or even help all the stray cats.  It's hard to have to realize that.  I hate seeing strays & not being able to much about it. If you can't help a stray, at least try not to harm them.

Take care.


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