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Monday, December 28, 2020

3 & Counting...


There are only 3 days left in 2020.  I'm really hoping they go off without a hitch.  I'd like to make it through the year without a major illness or hospital stay.  I want things to wind down smoothly.  That may be a pipe dream.

Orange trumpius signed the Covid relief bill finally.   I found & got paywalled by an article over the Covid vaccine & safety for HIV+ people.   So far, what  I've read hasn't suggested any additional risks for those living with HIV. 

Some people are refusing the vaccine.  Of course they are.  OK, hello Darwinism.  Some places are considering vaccine passports requirements for entrance into their country.  It wouldn't surprise me if some businesses followed suit.  

Take care, may 2020 end well for you.


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