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Thursday, December 31, 2020

3-2-1 & Done...


It's December 31, 2020.   There are only 14 hours left in this year.  January 1st won't solve all our problems, but maybe it'll give some hope & pep us a bit.

The trash is out of the house.  Plans are made.  We've done  fairly well in 2020 considering...  Best wishes to everyone.  Light candles, drink drinks & sing songs for those no longer with you. May 2021 be the start of something good for all of us.

Take care, be safe, be kind.

For the last time in 2020, Cya...

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

1 Year Out...


Last year, on December 27th, I woke after a  really bad night & was very sick.  It progressed until the 30th, when I went to the clinic.  I was sent to the hospital for pneumonia.  It was pretty awful & now we're wondering if  it  was COVID19.  My symptoms better fit that, than pneumonia.  I got myself out of there on New Year's  Eve.  It took forever to recover.   

It's nearly the end of 2020 & I'm trying not to get ill.  No more hospital trips. If what I had was even a minor case of COVID, you don't want that bug.  Whatever I had was far harder on me than any pneumonia I'd dealt with before.

Let's wrap up 2020.  Take care & be safe.


BTW - It's the last trash day of the year.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020



Woke to the seasons' 1st seriously gloomy morning.   It was overcast & threatening cold rain.   We'll be cloudy all day & have precipitation chances for the remainder of the year.  What a way to go out 2020.  Wouldn't want anyone to have a nice day, would you?  We need a little rain to meet the monthly average.  Still, it'd been nice to in on a sunny day. 

Take care.


Monday, December 28, 2020

3 & Counting...


There are only 3 days left in 2020.  I'm really hoping they go off without a hitch.  I'd like to make it through the year without a major illness or hospital stay.  I want things to wind down smoothly.  That may be a pipe dream.

Orange trumpius signed the Covid relief bill finally.   I found & got paywalled by an article over the Covid vaccine & safety for HIV+ people.   So far, what  I've read hasn't suggested any additional risks for those living with HIV. 

Some people are refusing the vaccine.  Of course they are.  OK, hello Darwinism.  Some places are considering vaccine passports requirements for entrance into their country.  It wouldn't surprise me if some businesses followed suit.  

Take care, may 2020 end well for you.


Sunday, December 27, 2020



Excessive advertising & paywalls have always been an issue when I've been looking at HIV articles.  They've always been bad, then they got intolerable.  Now, some of them are completely unavoidable & very preventative for valuable info to be disseminated to the public.

I understand these sites have bills.  However, the people who could truly use the info they're reporting can't afford all these paywalls.  In a single morning's search for articles, I can easily hit 3 - 5 paysites.  That's a lot of articles I can't read or bring to this blog.  If I'm lucky, another site will also report on the matter & not have a paywall.  That doesn't always happen & it usually takes a while.

There should be sites where people can stay up to  date on health issues.  If not,  it will only leave sites of lesser quality & credibility for health info. That's how misinformation & conspiracy theories get started.

Take care.


Saturday, December 26, 2020

5 More...


There are 5 days left in 2020.  3 more & we're at my anniversaries.  Mid December marked the 21st year since the last time I smoked a cigarette. My nonsmoker status is now legal & can buy booze or cigarettes.  Soon my HIV status will be legal as well.  

OK folks, can we try to finish out 2020 with more hell drama?  It'd be nice.  Take care.


Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas...


Sorry this was late & very short, but Merry Christmas to everyone, except Suddenlink.  Suddenlink can up & die for all I care.  The internet was out all morning low.  I have no idea how dependable it'll be today.  This is it for now. 

Take care & Happy Holidays.


Thursday, December 24, 2020

The Eve...

This will be short this morning.  I hope everyone has a great holiday season.  We need to do Friday's shopping today, this ought to be fun.   It's my roomie's birthday & later she'll go see her family.  That's all we have planned for today.  More  tomorrow.

Take care.


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Weird Season...


This is a strange holiday season.  I'm normally fairly non-Christmassy compared to most people I deal with IRL or online.  This year, I'm in the top 10 most sharing the most holiday cheer.  Something's really off with that.  I'm no Grinch or Ebeneezer, I'm usually just fairly indifferent to the matter.  

If I'm posting the most, then what's the problem.  It'd be bad enough if it were all about COVID.  But, it's not.  They're still focused on Trump, anger, hate & lies.  They've let the orange Burgermeister kill of the holiday.  So much for their reason for the season BS. They've replaced Santa with a hate machine.

Take care & may you find joy this holiday.


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Waiting For The Last...


I'm waiting for the last of the 2020 bills to arrive.  Once paid, 2020 is financially concluded.  We've already paid the 1st 2021 gas bill.  I'm ready to leave this doomed year.  2021 may not hold any promises, but maybe it can be a start out of this mess.

I hope everyone can finish out the year as safe as possible.  Happy holidays & take care.


Monday, December 21, 2020



Today is the Solstice.  Autumn has fallen & Winter is here.  It's the longest night of the year.  There's supposed to be a "Christmas Star" shortly after sun down tonight.  Light lights, sing songs & remember those not with you as we edge back towards the light of the year.

I had to call in a script & we'll go shopping soon.  The holiday will alter our normal routine.  That's OK.  Maybe people will get a little joy this week.  They need it.

Take care, be kind, be safe & Happy Holidays.


Sunday, December 20, 2020

1 Saturday Left...


It seems like the articles threw in the towel.  I looked for them & most had nothing to with HIV.  Some in my search weren't even health related.  If not about COVID, they were about the holidays.  Both of those are important.  Still, they shouldn't show up in a search for articles over HIV.  Especially when the article is completely unrelated to HIV.

That's it for this morning.  At least it's a bright day.  Only 1 remaining Saturday in 2020.  Here's hoping 2021 pulls its head out. Take care.


Saturday, December 19, 2020



It's almost Christmas.  The year's almost over.  In a little over a month we'll have a new president.  There are a lot of almosts going on.

There was almost an article for me to post over this morning.  It was over HPV, low CD4 counts, Gay/Bi men, anal sex & anal cancer.   It was inferring sexually active Gay/Bi men with low CD4's & HPV had a greater risk of anal cancer.  However, the entire piece was barely a paragraph.  That's not an article.  That's a blip.  Maybe more will show up later.  Another reason to get the HPV vaccination.

I made it through this week.  But, apparently I was just delaying the stress onset.  Once, the issues were over, my body let the stress hit me & it was a lot.   I was anxious & exhausted.  I'm getting better.  Hopefully, the rest of 2020 will be issue free.

We're almost there, take care.


Friday, December 18, 2020

Post Car...


It seems the car drama is over for now.  I'm glad.  I handled this week as well as I could.  But, yesterday it got to me.  Once, it looked like most of it had passed, I relaxed.  That's when my nerves kicked in.  I was anxious most of the evening.  

Many affluent people with dependable social circles have a hard time understanding how even the smallest things can feel like mountains to others.   Without the finances or support, even a small setback or issue can be very detrimental to others.  

Take care.


Thursday, December 17, 2020

Maybe Llama Has Moved On...


OK, maybe the drama llama has moved on.  I tested the car this morning & it seems to be working.  It started & the tire pressure read normal. I hope this settled.  We've had enough of the alpaca fracas & other crappy issues.

That's about it for this morning.  I need to get around.  My roomie has some place to be shortly.   It's a little brighter this morning, but still cold.  Maybe we can finish out 2020 without more drama.

BTW, it's great the vaccinations are rolling out.


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Car Drama...


Car drama continues.  It took forever for them to get the door handle fixed.   Now the battery's dead.  I'm trying to jump it.  So far that isn't working.  Looks like it's time to call someone.

More tomorrow.


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Chilly Tuesday For Errands...


As much as I don't want to, we have to go out in the cold later.  The car needs the door handle repaired.  So, it's off to the mechanics.  Merry Christmas to you guys. 

Last night we watched, the 10th annual Cyndi Lauper & Friends: Home for the Holidays.    It was fairly good & easily streamed off of Youtube.   Give it a watch.  It supports True Colors United.  A charity to provide housing & support for Gay & Queer young people.   

Take care, be kind.


Monday, December 14, 2020

Some December Drama...


Today is the day the Electoral votes have to be sent in to Washington.  They won't be counted until January 6th.  We still have 37 days until inauguration. 

It snowed between 1 - 2" yesterday.  It was pretty but cold.  We're still under freezing.   I was surprised to see the snow still here when I woke this morning.

Finally, not to be out done, the car needs a repair.  The car door handle broke.  We have an appointment for it tomorrow.   Oh well, needs to be done.

That's all for now.


Sunday, December 13, 2020

Articles Maybe...


I think there may have been a couple of interesting articles this morning.  I don't know, they were behind so many paywalls & commercial bombardments I couldn't get to them.  I hate it when people  hide articles over health matters behind paywalls.   These aren't oped's or Pulitzer pieces, they're articles concerning very real matters over people's well being.

OK, rants over.  It's grey & drizzling this morning.  It's going to be the coldest 24 hours we've had so far.  It's not supposed to get into the 40s.  So cold, dark & wet, with a possibility of snow.  Yuck.

Take care. Be safe.  Be kind.


Saturday, December 12, 2020

Nothing December Saturday...


Yesterday was a dismal pit of a day.  It was dark & drizzly all day.  A serious does of a drear.  Even with the all day spit of rain, we only got about a third of an inch.  

There isn't much planned for today.  Just fix some food & try to stay warm.  Luckily, it's a little brighter this morning.

That's all for now, take care.


Friday, December 11, 2020

Not Much Friday...


Other than shopping & running some errands, we have nothing to do today.  I'm happy about that.  We're both still a little worn out from the trip to Tulsa.  

It's supposed to storm today.  We need rain, not storms.  Winter air & heaters are already knocking my breathing around.  It's part of the season.   Other than watching birds  & fuzzier squirrels, I don't see many high points to the dark of the year.

Take care.


Thursday, December 10, 2020

2 Things...


1st, this is an interesting site  AIDSVu allows you look at HIV data at a national, state & sometimes local level.   It's relatively current &  would be helpful to anyone needing this kind of info.  Give it a look.

2nd, other than some issues with the drive, my appointment went well.  I was told as long as I was managing my blood pressure there was no current evidence I was at risk for another stroke.  I am an established patient & if need be, I can go back. However, as it stands, yesterday was my last neuro appointment.  Yay me!

That's all, take care.


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

No Time...


I have very little time this morning.  I have to be out here shortly.  I need to head up to Tulsa for an appointment.  It shouldn't be difficult, but that depends on the drive.   It will take a while though.  We'll probably be tired after this. 

Until tomorrow, take care.


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Bright Tuesday....


We have nothing planned for today.   I have an neuro appointment in Tulsa tomorrow.  That trip will probably wear me out.  Hopefully, it won't be a difficult trip.  If this was something they could do over telemedicine, I'd request it.  It'll probably be like most my Tulsa appointments, a long drive up & back with a very brief meeting in between.   With COVID, we can't do much else.

That's it for now, take care.


Monday, December 7, 2020

Wrapping & Winding...


Today is the end of the 1st week of December 2020.  It's all coming to an end.   Time is winding down in the year, until the holidays, until a new president...  People are wrapping up whatever plans they have for the holidays.  

2020 started off bad for me.  I spent the 1st several weeks recovering from a stay in the hospital.  That may very well have been COVID-19.  By the time, I was feeling more myself, the world started falling apart.  

This has been a horrible year & I don't blame the virus.  I blame all those people who took upon themselves to aid & abet COVID-19.   The protesters, ralliers, rioters, etc...  All those trumpers, christians, conservatives & other denialists caused this.  Their actions & refusals to be responsible turned an outbreak into firestorm.

To those who tried to protect themselves & others, I wish a tidy ending of 2020 & a happy new year.  To the rest of you, why don't you just stay in 2020?  You made it, enjoy.


Sunday, December 6, 2020

Bright Morning...


It's a little chilly this morning, but at least it's bright.  We don't have anything planned for today.  Tomorrow, will be shopping.  I also need to call & confirm my appointment for neuro.   I'm not a fan or "eu" words.  I almost always put them in reverse.  The appointment is on Wednesday.    It looks as if that day should be a bit warmer & dry.  I'm happy about that.  This week will be busier for us than usual.   

That's all for now, take care & be safe.


Saturday, December 5, 2020

Nothing Saturday...


We don't have any plans for today & I'm fine with that.  It was sunny when  I woke up.  I'm running a little late, so this will be short.  We may have lost our last porch cat.  They come & go.  Most are beyond taming, without a lot of time.  We had several in the Spring, due to a neighbor who didn't take care of his cats.  We were down to a black tom.  I put a house out for him.   I can only hope he found a better home.

I wish people would take care of their animals.  I can't take in or even help all the stray cats.  It's hard to have to realize that.  I hate seeing strays & not being able to much about it. If you can't help a stray, at least try not to harm them.

Take care.


Friday, December 4, 2020

1st December Friday....


There are only 3 more Fridays in 2020.   There are 3 weeks until Christmas & less than that for my roomie's birthday.   27 days & the new year will be here.  47 days more & the orange tyrant will be out of the White House.  

In other words, things are winding down. Yuletide is upon us & tomorrow night is Krampusnacht.  Whatever you can do this safely this holiday season, I suggest you did it as big & brightly as possible.  We probably all need it.

Off to finish some bills & shop.  Take care.


Thursday, December 3, 2020



There are constant reports on the death tolls & cost of COVID-19.  But, those numbers are far from complete.   The number of deaths & the costs to lives & welfare far exceed them.  Those amounts mainly reflect what was reported to be directly linked to coronavirus.  

They leave out any harm caused by the impact of fighting COVID or just it's presence.  Many are avoiding healthcare or being sent away due to the pandemic.  So many resources are being aimed at COVID that other health issues are being brushed aside.   People who need hospitalization or treatment are being sent away due to lack of resources.  Many are too scared of the pandemic to seek help.

Many articles have mentioned how the presence of COVID is interfering with fight against other illnesses; TB, malaria, HIV, etc...  Besides the lockdowns, there is also fear & redirected resources.  These battles are being suppressed by the pandemic.

Add to that, the economic devastation & more will be injured or worse.  Many people will & have found themselves incapable of providing even the most basic of needs; food, shelter, healthcare...  There are many who were surviving before the crisis, that won't make it through this.

In the end, the death & damages of this pandemic will far exceed the numbers given.  We may never know the amount of people whose lives were ended or damaged beyond repair due to the fall-out of this virus.   If you can't be part of the solution, try not to be part of the problem.

Wear a mask, social distance & stay sanitized.


Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Frazzled Morning...


It's very dreary this morning.  It's piddling rain & overcast with heavy clouds.  I doubt we'll see any sun today.   I know we need the rain, we were an inch short last month.  Still, I hate these grey mornings.

This is about it.  I nearly forgot to post at all this morning.  At least I remembered to do this much.   I need to get around & eat something.


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

December 1st & World AIDS Day...


Today is the 32nd annual World AIDS Day.  Here are a couple other links, the site & the World AIDS Day site.  This year's theme is resilience & impact.   Noting the importance of solidarity  & responsibility  in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Today is the 1st day of December.  Besides the typical monthly stuff, there will also be a weird version of the holidays.  I have an appointment next week with my neuro specialist to monitor my recovery from the stroke.  I hate the idea of driving up there during all this, but it's important.

I do have some wishes for this month.  I hope this election crap settles.  I hope 1 or more of the COVID vaccines works & starts rolling out.  I wish some people would take this health risk more serious.  I'd like 2021 to get back to some level of normality.  I don't need much for myself.  I'd just like some stressors off of everyone, so the whole place feels less on the edge of breaking into raging chaos.

Take care, be safe.  Have a good December.
