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Sunday, August 2, 2020

Over It...

It's my last month of being 53 & this year has mostly sucked.  I'm still dealing with a lot medical crap due to a stroke, maybe pneumonia & doctor office changes.   I was hospitalized & then thought things were getting better.  Then COVID happened, then asshat riots, excuse me protests, & then stupid rallies.   People wiped out things like toilet paper & cat food.  They were afraid of losing something to wipe with, but won't wear masks, social distance or  cooperate with 1-way aisles at stores.   

This may sound awful, but other than mine, I don't care if most of them fall over dead.  If they can't be bothered to protect themselves, all I can do is take care of me.  We live in a world of clashing storms of idiocy.  The best we can hope for is that they off each other.

I'm tired & this year overwhelmed me.  I doubt I'll be able to anything for my birthday.   I never do much, but even that'll be gone now.  I don't care if these people die.  I just wish they'd do it faster.  I'm tired of their drama.  It's an awful production full of nobodies, has-beens & never-weres.  They've had their 15 minutes, let the curtain drop.  I'd like to enjoy part of my next year.

F'off to those people making this COVID crap last longer.


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