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Saturday, August 15, 2020

Middle Yick...


Yesterday wasn't horribly hot, but it wasn't cool either.  It was right in the middle of yick.  Not hot enough for the AC to help much, but too warm to get comfortable.   The main culprit was humidity.  

Adding to it, was the air quality.   People across the street were tore out decades old carpets.  The town keeps burning things & the smoke blows towards our area.  People were mowing.  The worst of issue was that ragweed is back.  

We weren't comfortable yesterday.  It was difficult on the eyes & breathing.  It wrecked my stomach & digestion.  Cooler, evening temps were very welcomed & needed.

Summer needs to be Summer.  It should be hot & bright.  It should kill off bugs & grass.  There shouldn't be these ballistic levels of humidity & overcast skies.  It's August, not October, act like it.


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