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Sunday, August 30, 2020

Missing & Rehashed...


When I went looking for articles, there weren't many that hadn't been there before.  Those with new date stamps, still weren't new.  The top 10 articles were either reposts with new dates or very obvious rewrites of articles I've looked at before.  I'd written about every topic they covered at least twice.   

August is almost gone.  The recent heat  gave way to rain yesterday.   Some areas got hit by more serious storms than we did.  It rained most the night.  It's  rained close to an 1" since yesterday.   We've long passed the month's rain average.  I don't know if it will hold, but the current 10 day forecast has no 90s in it & several days in the 70s.  The AC may be done for the season.   I hope we don't cool down to quickly.  I'm not ready for cold drear.

Take care.


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